Dr. Stephanie Redmond, PharmD, CDE, BC-ADM is nationally recognized for her unparalleled ability to help people optimize their health with natural ingredients and a healthy lifestyle.
She practiced for several years as a pharmacist clinician in a clinical practice where she would regularly recommend the individual natural herbs, vitamins, and minerals (now found as a combination in Dr. Stephanie's Supplements) as a staple in her patient care.
Dr. Stephanie has been a featured national speaker and consultant for major organizations including American Pharmacist Association as well as a "go-to" expert for News Segments across the US. Additionally, Dr. Stephanie has authored publications in national peer-reviewed journals and served as adjunct guest faculty at the University of Minnesota.
I’m Dr. Stephanie Redmond. I specialize in helping patients and other doctors decide if prescription medications and natural therapies are working, being used at the right doses, safe without drug interactions and harmful side effects, and affordable. I also spent years traveling around the United States as a national speaker to educate healthcare providers and patients about the newest research.
I am constantly asked … “Does anything natural actually work?” The short answer is… YES!Research studies have shown that specific combinations of herbs, vitamins, and minerals can provide meaningful benefits. However, knowing what ingredients are the most effective, buying these supplements individually, and calculating the correct dosing is challenging. I founded this company in order to provide the most effective combinations, in high enough doses that actually work, with the guaranteed highest quality.
Check the difference in supplement facts for yourself! Many other supplement companies have formulas developed by a marketing department - not backed by science. They don’t contain the ENOUGH OF or the RIGHT active ingredients. It would be difficult to find any doctor to recommend these supplements. Dr. Stephanie's, on the other hand, has numerous renowned doctors, pharmacists, and specialists that back the formulas.
All Dr. Stephanie's Supplements ingredients and doses were formulated using clinically researched ingredients every time, with no exceptions. The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, used as the major information resource, is one of the most comprehensive and reliable natural medicine resources available for healthcare providers. It is not supported by any interest group, professional organization, or product manufacturers and evaluates quality of evidence seen in clinical trials.
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